Nov 26 Views (2507) Fallout 76

John Howard Carpenter Praises Fallout 76


  Fallout 76, this is an online action role-playing game and at the same time, this is also a Bethesda's first multiplayer live-game, has been received various reviews and feedback since it launched earlier this month. Well, most comments and feedback were related to how disappointed they feel and how many bugs this game has and how the way they treated toward the problem players are facing. Among these complaints, Bethesda has received a very positive feedback coming from a very influential person John Carpenter, the Director of the movie "Halloween," he said Fallout is “Despite its flaws, I dig it.”

  Here is the Full content he posted on Twitter:

  FALLOUT 76 is a glitchathon of a game, stuttering and freezing, but still fun, addicting with its post nuke open world. A big game with hit & miss missions. Despite its flaws, I dig it.

  John Carpenter posted his review about Fallout 76 on his Twitter account for everyone to see on November 23rd, 2018. The whole passage is not very long and he does not catch the details of the mechanics or the technical aspects. But within Twitter's 255 character limit, he does point out the Bethesda some harsh criticism and biting praise. It'll help Bethesda a lot to perfect this game and we really appreciate what that horror icon did!

  John Carpenter used a word "glitchathon" in the very first sentence of the Twitter post, it seems that he tried to use a nice way to point out this game's many glitches and bugs that were present during the launch. As a matter of fact, there are massive videos have already popped on YouTube right now featuring a compilation of glitches that have made for some good laughs and creepy circumstances from Fallout 76.

  Despite this game Fallout 76 has been satirized online, it does not mean this game is worthless, in fact, this game's launch has not really been so terrible, just well under what fans would normally expect from a Bethesda release. And back to the Metacritic, a lot of people think this game is bad just because the rating is too bad, this is also a mistake, some fans were review-bombing this game from day one and some gamers have been set against the changes in Fallout 76 from the very beginning. Indeed, many gamers or fans likely haven't really given the game a chance to prove the game itself. All of these factors caused the Metacritic score cannot be trusted.

  Recently we've received a former Obsidian developer's view toward this game, he argued that although this game has many flaws, it has full of potential as well. Indeed, one need only look at Destiny, The Elder Scrolls: Online, or even No Man’s Sky to see how a game can be revitalized post-launch with the right changes and work. So we have reasons to believe that the FALLOUT 76 has the ability to push this game back on the right track though it has a very difficult start.

  As John Carpenter says on Twitter, Fallout 76; “is a glitchathon of a game… but still fun.” Fans will have to hope that Bethesda can address the flaws in the coming weeks and months.