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Poe 3.6 Shadow Builds for Assassin, Saboteur, Trickster

The Shadow is Path of Exile's skill/intelligence hybrid course. He prefers to implement fast-hitting weapons which include daggers or claws to dart in and out of struggle when laying traps or remote mines and controlling the flow of battle. He will make medical use of offensive spells even though dodging attacks, generally outmaneuvering his opponents. The Shadow is amongst the much more difficult courses to engage in owing to his fragility, but the extra that will make up for it if handled with skill. His hit-and-run variety of combat tends to make by far the most of his all-natural evasion and power shield and rewards strategic coordination of attacks, spells, and traps. Below we are going to share the best Poe 3.6 Shadow Builds for Assassin, Saboteur, Trickster for you.


NO.1 [PoE 3.6 Assassin Build] Frostblades Assassin SSF Viable. 650K DPS Budget gear! League starter! Insane Clear Speed

This build has beaten some of the hardest endgame content such as guardians, red elder, most of the unique maps in the game, and every map til T16. The build does 600K+ DPS with a 35C Budget. You can go cheaper (15 Poe chaos Orb or lower) and get about 400K DPS. If the touch of anguish's is expensive at the start of the league, don't worry. You can safely use two wasp nest until about tier 11+ maps. The shaper is about the point where the build reaches its peak. The shaper is not possible at the moment with our current gear setup.


Brine King and Yugul are the typical ones. These are situational, but typically you will run these. If you are new or don't have a lot of experience with pantheons, stick with these.

Q. What are those little ice spikes in the video?
A. That is an MTX called "Gloom Herald" in the microtransaction shop.

Q. I keep dying to Izaro / any other high damage dealing boss.
A. This build has whirling blades, make use of it. This build uses positioning more than most builds you will play in PoE.

Q. You don't have the allocated dexterity for the jewels to work
A. You don't need to have the ability allocated to make the jewels work.

Q. Why do you use immortal call with no endurance charges?
A. The immortal call still gives a very brief span of immortality without charges. It is 0.6 seconds with no fees.

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NO.2 [PoE 3.6 Assassin Build] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed

This improves our useful "Attack Avoidance" Chance from about 72% (we already have that much because of Evasion, Blind and Block combined) to about 81%, our "Spell Avoidance Chance" from 0% to 30% and a solid increase in Life Recovery Rate from our life flask with the Herbalism node, in the expense of 750 EHP, 8% Damage, 15% Cold Resistance and 5% Elemental Resistance. As you can see, since the attack avoidance chance is already pretty high (meaning we avoid about 72% of the Attacks through Evasion, Blind and Block) Acrobatics doesn't offer much benefit. Phase Acrobatics, on the other hand, improves our Spell Avoidance chance by a solid 30%. I believe it isn's worth it, as 30% spell avoidance isn't as reliable as raw EHP. Factor in the 8% damage and resists sacrificed and the choice becomes even easier for me. Even without the Pandemonius amulet (which means no Blinded enemies), Acrobatics only improves "Attack Avoidance" from about 45% to about 56%. Again, not that great. That said, this build is very flexible and depending on your preferences and goals, you can choose to go for this and get the benefits of the Spell Dodge mechanic.

Having Mana problems? Eventually, the tree will offer you enough Mana Regeneration. However, until that happens try:
1) Using Cyclone further away from your character. Cyclone drains Mana every time you change direction with it, so spamming it on top of yourself will significantly increase its Mana cost (do this only if you have Mana problems).
2) Not using your Quicksilver Flask against bosses for the same reason as above. This is probably the tip that will save you the most Mana. For this reason, I put my Quicksilver on the 5th slot to have better control of when I want and when not to use it.
3) Don't spam Vortex needlessly, one Vortex every 2-3 seconds should be enough.
4) The Arcane Surge buff offers some nice Mana Regeneration, so try to have that active.
5) If that's not enough, use Enlighten support (lvl 2, 3 or 4) linked with your Auras.
5) If that's not enough either, get "Deep Thoughts" on the passive skill tree.

Bandits: All

Ascendancy Order:
Unstable Infusion - Deadly Infusion - Opportunistic - Ambush and Assassinate.

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NO.3 [PoE 3.6 Saboteur Build] Can run pretty much any Map and All Content with a 5 Link - STEP BY STEP LVLING GUIDE

This build utilizes one of the most potent spells in the game, arc, with mines. There are several benefits to using mines with arc rather than self-casting or with totems, some being the fact that they have a much higher dps output and you aren't stunning yourself while casting for nearly as long, but we will go into that later. This build is the jack of all trades. It can do every map mod, the boss has decently fast clear, and is exceptionally cheap. Put all of these together, and you have yourself an extremely powerful beginner friendly and starter build that can catapult you into end game exceptionally quickly and efficiently. That wasn't only a joke, by the by. The best way to kill bosses is by throwing a cluster of Shock Nova traps to both Shock the enemy and activate Elemental Equilibrium, followed up by a Firetrap and lastly an Ice Trap cluster. From there on out you switch between Fire and Ice Trap to always get that minus 50 resistance debuff from Elemental Equilibrium for each Trap. When you think your opponent is no longer shocked by your sheer presence, throw another cluster of Shock Nova Traps and repeat from step one!

Changes for 3.6
So, big changes! Well, they are straightforward changes, but significant changes, nonetheless.
The damage of both Ice Trap and Shock Nova has been increased significantly, especially with the former. Ice Trap got such a big damage buff I wonder if it might outdo Fire Trap for single target purposes! Well, we'll see once I try it out. Ice Trap also got an increased area of effect, which is nice. The quality bonus is unchanged, sadly. That one is still as useless as ever.
But hey, as with many other skills, the change only can increase the damage output and clearing speed of this build!

Saboteur is my preferred one. You can get Assassin, sure, but Chain Reaction, in my opinion, outperforms any crit you get from the Assassin skills! Get Perfect Crime and Chain Reaction with your first two batches of points and then Pyromaniac for Life regen and after that Born in the Shadows to blind your enemies with your shocking looks!

Help Alira for more Mana regeneration, more Crit multiplier and some Resistances as a neat side bonus. Either that or kill all and get two skill points, your choice.

+ Can run pretty much any Map mod (Although no Life and Mana reg can be a major pain)
+ No mandatory Gear
+ Fast screen-clearing
+ Can get a decently high life and ES pool (5k+ life and 2.5k-3.5k ES(Depending on your gear)
+ Atziri, Izaro and High Tier Maps aren't any problem!
+ Can deal with every Guardian! (See Videos for each below)
+ Uber Atziri, Shaper and T15 Elder viable! (Video for latter to come)
+ Loads of fun to play!
+ Everyone loves a Shocker!

- The high amount of giant Shock Novas and Ice Traps can get on one's eyes quickly
- Your fingers can get stiff from constantly smashing the keyboard

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NO.4 [PoE 3.6 Saboteur Build] High Dmg output Over 7.5k Effective hp with Mind Over Matter Beginner Friendly Arc Mines

This build is the jack of all trades. It can do every map mod, a boss has decently fast clear, and is exceptionally cheap. Put all of these together, and you have yourself an extremely powerful beginner friendly and starter build that can catapult you into end game exceptionally quickly and efficiently. I am currently playing this build in Hcssf, and it has proven itself to be one of the most robust builds in the game with having little to no gear. The damage output is insane, but you are also surprisingly tanky. Utilizing acrobatics/Mind over Matter/high evasion, you have a decent amount of layers of defense and end up being hard to kill as well.

3.6 Updates
The 3.6 changes are rough, but it's not the damage nerf but more the chain range nerf.
According to a spreadsheet with all the %'s for buff / nerfs to spells, this dmg change to arc makes it deal 11% less total damage.
Even with 11% less dmg, this is still going to do a lot of damage and be a good league starter. Not one of the best anymore but still significant, especially if you have done it before you will be familiar with the gearing / passive progress which will save you time if you are trying to rush to end the game.
The changes to the range are only severe in specific scenarios. In most cases, every once in a while you will kill a few fewer mobs off-screen, but that's not a big deal except for a little EXP loss.

+ Over 7.5k Effective hp with Mind Over Matter
+ Can do any map mod in the game
+ Costs less than 30c to play
+ EXTREMELY easy leveling
+ Explode ENTIRE screen
+ Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics
+ Can tackle all content
+ High Dmg output

- Has fast map clear but not the fastest: B+ tier
- Allies cannot die auras are annoying

Ascendancy Order
1. Normal Lab- Born In Shadows
2. Cruel Lab - Pyromaniac
3. Merciless Lab - Bomb Specialist
4. Uber Lab - Demolitions Specialist

We take the soul of lunar and tukohama because there is no way to proc the soul of arakaali easily. This gives us proper physical damage mitigation which we are lacking and regen.

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NO.5 [PoE 3.6 Trickster Build] High useful health pool Soulrend Trickster - Fast mapper with great defenses. WIP. Occultist versions inside

It's intended for leveling before you get the required gear to make the switch. More comfortable to follow for new players, as they have to look for one to two stats on their equipment. The mechanics are pretty straightforward. Also, some people don't want to respect and prefer sticking with one way of building.

The character is designed to be a fast and cheap mapper with great defenses and hardcore viability in mind. Trickster brings more to the table than Occultist in terms of apparent speed and ease of gearing. Should be viable in both trade and SSF leagues.

Kill all. Help Alira if you're playing in SSF and need the resistances, respec later.

Major: Soul of Solaris
Minor: Soul of Shakari, Soul of Yugul if fighting against the Elder. Fully upgrade all of them.

+ High effective health pool
+ ~20% block chance
+ 50/50% spell and attack dodge during Quartz flask
+ 75/75% spell and attack dodge during Vaal Grace
+ ~55% evade chance during jade and stibnite flasks uptime
+ 78% maximum elemental resistances
+ 6% reduced damage taken from Weave the Arcane
+ ~120% movement speed
+ Temporal Chains curse from Bane
+ Fortify
+ Vaal Grace

- We get a lot of attacks and cast speed from the Trickster ascendancy
- Patient Reaper and Prolonged Pain further boost our damage over time
- Malevolence Aura socketed in Essence Worm
- Permanent Onslaught
- 4 Power and 4 Frenzy charges
- Despair curse from Bane
- Vaal Haste

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NO.6 [PoE 3.6 Trickster Build] Good EHP Divine Ire Trickster CRIT MOM/EB cheap league starter

Currently Just Killed Shaper and Red Elder Today without that much issue besides a couple of dumb death on some super Rippy guardian corruptions I've probably put too much into this build Poe currency wise but I'm rather enjoying it

Swift Killer - Ghost Dance - Escape artist - Harness the void

For mapping: Soul of Lunaris and Soul of Shakari
For bosses: Soul of Solaris

Help Alira

+ Good EHP
+ Immune to stun if you have shrouds.
+ A lot of attacks and cast speed for smooth clearing.
+ EB lets us reserve all our mana
+ Big hits that will end up shocking big bosses
+ Aesthetics of a new skill.

- Can't do ele reflect
- Channeling forces you to stand still and be a punching bag sometimes

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NO.7 [PoE 3.6 Trickster Build] Bashtart's Frost Blades & Molten Strike Trickster * Oni-Goroshi * Insane Speed & DPS!

The build is based on the Oni-Goroshi sword. When we ignite an enemy, we get Her Embrace what a buff which makes us immune to stun, burning ground, freeze, chillis, we additionally get 123% of physical sword damage as extra fire damage and a "second" Onslaught effect. The downside of this sword is a strong DoT while Her Embrace which can be reduced by fire resistance, etc.
The damage is mainly scaled with physical, crit and then converted to elemental damage. The Oni-Goroshi gives so much damage on its own that we can focus on a high life pool and decent defense.

This build will not change in 3.6, but the farm time of Oni-Goroshi seems way too long to be worth it so I would recommend to buy it later. Blade FLurry with Power and Frenzy Charges appears to be a viable option instead of MS. In 3.6 Blade Flurry seems to be an excellent alternative with the changes to trickster ascendancy and power & frenzy while boss fights.

+ Very fast clear- & arm speed
+ Fun playstyle
+ Safe mapping (freezing almost everything)
+ High dps
+ Easy Leveling with Oni-Goroshi
+ Oni-Goroshi makes immune to nearly everything
+ A speaking sword is somewhat cool :)
+ Can facetank most endgame content

- The DoT effect of Oni-Goroshi can be annoying

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