PoE Unique Weapons The Dancing Duo Build and Guides
PoE The Dancing Dervish is just a concept. Pretty much you are using him to have a floating MTX sword running around behind you. He brings a fun play style of having rampage with facebreakers, but that is about it. As far as damage support he offers very little. All he is suitable for is killing stragglers and helping keep your rampage stacks up. You will find yourself un-equipping the sword versus massive bosses like Izaro or those bosses who have their separate rooms in maps. Your facebreakers do almost all of the work. And a horror Spectre or a pack of zombies with no real support gems does more job then the sword will. The Dancing Duo grants level 15 Manifest Dancing Dervish. Manifest Dancing Dervish will probably be supported by any applicable support gems socketed into the Dancing Duo; it truly is not necessary to possess the sockets be linked together. The manifested sword does not deactivate when swapping to distinctive weapons, having said that, the weaponslots stay disabled though it really is active. Though The Dancing Duo is manifested, the player character is viewed as unarmed and is impacted by Onslaught, therefore effects for example Facebreaker's or Doryani's Fist's unarmed harm bonus will take impact. As soon as Rampage ends, the manifested weapons will vanish along with the character reequips the weapon reenabling the weaponslots. The Minions themselves possess a great deal of damage reduction when active and can not die that quickly. A bit bit of minion life regeneration suffices to help keep them alive and healthy.
NO.1 Modifiers:
40% increased Global Accuracy Rating
(160-190)% increased Physical Damage
(25-30)% increased Attack Speed
5% increased Movement Speed
Triggers Level 15 Manifest Dancing Dervish on Rampage
Manifested Dancing Dervish disables both weapon slots
Manifested Dancing Dervish dies when Rampage ends
Manifest Dancing Dervish also manifests a copy of Dancing Dervish
NO.2 Upgrade Vendor Recipes:
Dance of Steel + The Dancing Dervish
NO.3 [Juggernaut] Avatar of Fire Build with The Dancing Duo
PoB Link - https://pastebin.com/viqFi6X1
Skill Tree - http://bit.ly/2vA0Vxs
Bandits: Kill all
Main Skills:
Avatar of Fire
Avatar of Fire is a keystone passive skill that converts 50% of physical damage, lightning damage and cold damage to fire damage. However, the character cannot deal damage with any damage types except fire.
Elemental Equilibrium
Elemental Equilibrium (often referred to as EE) is a keystone passive skill which changes the resistance of any monster you hit with elemental damage (fire damage, lightning damage and cold damage), increasing resistance to the element you hit with by 25% but reducing other elemental resistances by 50%. Multiple EE strikes will overwrite each other. The effect lasts 5 seconds or until being overwritten.
Resolute Technique
Resolute Technique (often referred to as RT) is a keystone passive skill that will raise the chance to hit to 100%, ignoring all accuracy and evasion stats of the attacker and defender respectively, at the cost of reducing the attacker's global critical strike chance to 0%.
Main Gears:
Weapon - The Dancing Duo Reaver Sword
Item Level: 77
Quality: 20
Sockets: B-R-R-B-R-R
LevelReq: 59
Implicits: 1
Resolute Technique
187% increased Physical Damage
30% increased Attack Speed
5% increased Movement Speed
Triggers Level 15 Manifest Dancing Dervish on Rampage
Manifested Dancing Dervish disables both weapon slots
Manifested Dancing Dervish dies when Rampage ends
Manifest Dancing Dervish also manifests a copy of Dancing Dervish
Body Armour - Victario's Influence Lacquered Garb
Item Level: 75
Quality: 0
Sockets: R-B-R-G-G-B
LevelReq: 52
Implicits: 1
+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Generosity
Socketed Gems have 30% reduced Mana Reservation
140% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
36% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills
14% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
Helmet - Eagle Keep Bone Helmet
Item Level: 80
Quality: 26
Sockets: R-R-B-B
LevelReq: 73
Implicits: 1
Minions deal 20% increased Damage
{fractured}+93 to maximum Life
+23 to maximum Energy Shield
+29 to maximum Life
+25% to Fire Resistance
+40% to Lightning Resistance
{crafted}+32% to Cold Resistance
Boots - Agony Spark Ancient Greaves
Item Level: 77
Quality: 0
Sockets: R-R-G-R
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 0
+33 to Armour
+115 to maximum Life
+24% to Chaos Resistance
25% increased Movement Speed
{crafted}+30 to Dexterity
Gloves - Soul Clutches Hydrascale Gauntlets
Item Level: 83
Quality: 24
Sockets: G-R-R-R
LevelReq: 70
Implicits: 0
{fractured}+53 to Strength
{fractured}+45% to Fire Resistance
Adds 1 to 2 Fire Damage to Attacks
+79 to maximum Life
+39% to Cold Resistance
{crafted}Minions deal 18% increased Damage
Other Gears:
Ring1 - Morbid Finger Coral Ring
Item Level: 73
LevelReq: 65
Implicits: 1
+29 to maximum Life
{fractured}+70 to maximum Life
5 Life Regenerated per second
+35 to maximum Mana
Minions have 30% increased Movement Speed
{crafted}+16% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Ring2 - Phoenix Whorl Coral Ring
Item Level: 84
LevelReq: 65
Implicits: 1
+30 to maximum Life
{fractured}+34 to Strength
{fractured}+71 to maximum Life
Adds 1 to 2 Physical Damage to Attacks
Minions have 29% increased Movement Speed
{crafted}+16% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
Belt - Spirit Trap Stygian Vise
Item Level: 86
Sockets: A
LevelReq: 67
Implicits: 1
Has 1 Abyssal Socket
+91 to maximum Life
+46% to Cold Resistance
+27% to Lightning Resistance
19% reduced Flask Charges used
17% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
{crafted}+269 to Armour and Evasion Rating
The Writhing Jar Hallowed Hybrid Flask
Chemist's Basalt Flask of Iron Skin
Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Warding
Chemist's Granite Flask of Adrenaline
Whispering Iridescence Ghastly Eye Jewel
Viper Eye Cobalt Jewel
Spirit Wound Cobalt Jewel
Pandemonium Shine Cobalt Jewel
Damnation Stone Cobalt Jewel
Phoenix Desire Cobalt Jewel