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What are the new skills and support gems in POE 3.8?

In Path of Exile: Blight challenge league PC Released on September 6, 2019, Xbox, PS4 Released on September 10, 2019, Two old leagues being integrated into Blight. Blight league adds a new poison themed Support Gem in addition to a suite of 5 potent new poison-themed Skill Gems. Now let's check out the new Skill and Support Gems Detailed Guide in Blight league.

Stormblast Mine
Summon Skitterbots
Blastchain Mine Support & High-Impact Mine Support
Charged Mines Support
Swift Assembly Support
Icicle Mine
Pyroclast Mine
Cobra Lash
Pestilent Strike
Withering Step
Nightblade Support
Summon Carrion Golem
Feeding Frenzy Support
Infernal Legion Support
Meat Shield Support
Deathmark Support

Stormblast Mine
Stormblast Mine can be a new talent readily available at level 1. When placed, it features a stacking aura that increases the harm nearby enemies take by 3%. This implies that it delivers 45% increased harm taken when you've got a full set of mines placed, a lot more in case you have additional mines from passives and items. If you detonate Stormblast Mines, they release a lightning nova around them, having a high chance to shock and increased shock effect.


Summon Skitterbots
Summon Skitterbots is really a reservation ability that summons two rapid-moving, invulnerable minions. One particular feature a shocking aura although the other features a chilling aura. Although they are active, they will grant you far more Trap and Mine damage. They'll each and every also look for and activate traps and mines near enemies. On Mines, they will activate and after that re-arm the mine, which will not set off a detonation sequence. On Traps, they'll trigger many traps at when. 

Blastchain Mine Support & High-Impact Mine Support
Existing Remote Mine Supports have have been changed into the Blastchain Mine Support, a level 8 gem that turns supported spells, bow attacks or wand attacks into mines. It now grants less harm as a result of the much shorter mine throw time, and 5% more harm for every single mine detonated in sequence. 

We've also added new assistance at level 31, the High-Impact Mine Support that also turns supported spells, bow attacks or wand attacks into mines. The supported skills deal less damage but have an aura that gives hits against nearby enemies a likelihood to deal Double Damage. These two supports let you choose to specialize in creating long cascades or creating powerful auras when turning talent into a mine. 

Charged Mines Support
Similar to the Charged Traps Assistance, the new Charged Mines Support allows you to generate Power and Frenzy charges when detonating supported mines near enemies, with extra mine throwing speed per frenzy charge and critical chance per power charge.

Changes to Existing Gems and Items
Minefield Help now places 4 mines rapidly but using a slower total throw time. It allows 4 extra mines to be placed. It is now a level 38 gem.
Smoke Mine doesn't start a sequence when detonated, grants more movement speed than before, and modifiers to mine duration will apply to the speed buff's duration.
We've made changes to the Curtain Call and Tremor Rod unique items.
The +1 Mine Placed shaper helmet mod will no longer appear on items, but existing modifiers will still remain. This is because placing extra mines is now far more powerful as a result of various mine changes and Minefield changes.

Swift Assembly Support
Swift Assembly Support is a new level 4 Assistance Gem for traps and mines. It grants a likelihood on throwing a trap or mine to throw an extra trap or mine, a smaller chance to throw two further, and a very small opportunity to throw three more. This is particularly useful for Mines, letting you get higher stacks of auras and longer detonation sequences without greatly extending your throw time.

Icicle Mine
Icicle Mine is usually a new skill offered at level 12. When placed, it has a stacking aura that increases the critical likelihood for hits against enemies about it by 10%. If you detonate Icicle Mine, it releases a nova of projectiles, firing five projectiles from the first mine, then an extra projectile for each and every two mines in the detonation sequence. Icicle Mine replaces existing copies of Freeze Mine. 

Pyroclast Mine
Pyroclast Mine is the level 28 Mine skill. When placed, it has a stacking aura that adds fire damage to hits against enemies near it, which grows as the gem levels. When detonated, the mine releases a fire nova and a salvo of mortar projectiles that fly up before raining down on enemies about the mine. As with Icicle Mine, for each and every two detonations in the sequence, an additional mortar is fired. Pyroclast Mine replaces existing copies of Fire Nova Mine.

Cobra Lash
Cobra Lash can be a new low-level attack skill for Daggers and Claws. You fling out a copy of one's weapon, creating a projectile that chains a number of instances. The skill chains in between additional enemies at larger levels. The talent grants more added chaos harm and a few chaos conversion, with a likelihood to poison.

Any critical strikes may have +50% to Poison Harm Multiplier, creating the skill very highly effective later within the game when you specialise in important hits. This really is among quite a few sources of Harm over Time Multiplier for Poison. We've also added Poison Harm more than Time Multiplier to quite a few passives, and changed quite a few sources of Chaos Damage more than Time Multiplier so they aren't restricted to non-ailments.


Pestilent Strike
This high-level Dagger and Claw skill applies poison on hit, at the same time as a debuff that lasts a quick duration. In the event the target dies though this debuff is active, they explode, releasing a nova that applies harm over time effect to all enemies in variety. The harm of this debuff is based around the total poison damage remaining around the enemy, and this harm is dealt more than a short duration. 

The Poisons you spread don't have to be from Pestilent Strike, so you are able to use it alongside Viper Strike or other poisonous expertise. This lets you turn a long duration stack of poisons on a single enemy into a quickly acting wave of death over a sizable area. The damage more than time impact applied by the nova is not modified by any of your damage bonuses, because it was currently primarily based on a modified poison, but any of one's modifiers to ability impact duration will transform how lengthy it lasts with no influencing its harm per second.

Withering Step
Withering Step is an immediate spell that removes any current Elusive effects on you and grants a brand new full-strength Elusive buff. Withering Step applies various stacks of Withered to any enemy when they very first enter a location about you, but only after per ability use. Withered increases harm taken from Chaos, which contains Poison effects. Although the Elusive from Withering Step is active, you are going to be granted Phasing as well as the cooldown will probably be paused. Any capabilities you perform will take away Elusive, that will start the cooldown. At larger levels, the talent has enhanced Elusive effect. 

You are able to make use of the skill as an instant technique to apply Wither to enemies around you, as a technique to immediately stay clear of attacks having a sudden burst of speed and dodge opportunity or as a sustained speed improve that also lets you apply Wither to significant paths of enemies as you move.

Nightblade Support
The Nightblade Support is exclusive to Daggers and Claws, just as Close Combat and Shockwave Supports are exclusive to other melee weapon kinds. Nightblade grants base important strike opportunity, and supported abilities may also grant Elusive on Critical Hit. Elusive granted by attacks supported by Nightblade also grants Critical Multiplier to Nightblade supported capabilities, and for the reason that the multiplier is part of Elusive, it scales with Elusive Impact, granting more than +100% to Crucial Strike Multiplier at level 20 when initially applied.

This implies the supported ability will give you sudden bursts of speed and critical multiplier when you initially critically hit, and any Elusive impact gained from other sources like the Assassin ascendancy will additionally improve the power in the buff.

Summon Carrion Golem
The Carrion Golem is often a well-rounded attacker, utilizing a fast melee attack, a leap slam to get into the thick of combat, and a effective cooldown-restricted multi-cascade slam. As its passive Golem buff, it grants added physical harm to all non-golem minions, such as their attacks and spells. It includes an exceptional feature amongst golems, gaining more damage for every one of the non-golem minions around it, up to 80% a lot more damage. 

A single Carrion Golem fits properly into established Minion builds as an extra bonus to all your necromantic minions. It might also be invested in far more heavily by taking various sources of further golems (including a brand new notable passive) and utilizing numerous golems alongside a swarm of zombies or skeletons.

Feeding Frenzy Support
The Feeding Frenzy support gem tends to make supported minions aggressive, growing the range that they will seek out enemies. Additionally, it gives hits in the minions a likelihood to provide you the Feeding Frenzy buff, granting a lot more minion harm and enhanced minion attack, cast and movement speed. When you have the Feeding Frenzy buff, the supported minions deal much more harm.

Infernal Legion Support
The Infernal Legion support gem causes supported minions to take a sizable % of their maximum life as fire harm more than time. They all get a burning damage aura, dealing fire damage more than time to nearby enemies. The impact doesn't stack, but is modified by minion damage increases and also other support gems.

This assistance is often applied to deal damage to big groups of enemies, and is obtainable at rather a low level, so is an option to Melee Splash for some minion forms. It also operates well alongside the Minion Instability keystone, letting you use your minions as walking time bombs.

Meat Shield Support
The Meat Shield support gem tends to make supported minions defensive, causing them to only attack enemies that get extremely close to you. It also gives the minions a possibility to taunt on hit, reduces the damage they take, and causes them to deal a lot more harm to enemies close to you.

If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, these effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from the assistance gems nonetheless apply.

Deathmark Support
The Deathmark support gem grants supported minions extra harm, and grants you the Deathmark ability. Casting Deathmark on an enemy causes all minions supported by Deathmark support to prioritize attacking the target and offers them an additional harm multiplier against that enemy. Casting Deathmark on a brand new enemy removes any existing Deathmark. 

You may Deathmark to possess precise targeting for specific minions, and also the Deathmark targeting will override Aggressive or Defensive behavior when it's active. The minions will fall back on their frequent targeting if no Deathmark is present. 

Various combinations of those 3 assistance gems let you use various minions for unique roles. An example might be employing your Zombies with Meat Shield to shield you, your Carrion Golems with Feeding Frenzy to clear groups of enemies, and also the Deathmark Support on both of them so you can send all of them in right after bosses while you evade the bosses abilities from a distance.