Fortnite Season 8 Week 6 Challenges Leaked, How Can You Complete Them
A new set of weekly Battle Pass challenges is coming up tomorrow in Fortnite, before that, leakers have discovered which challenges are coming.
As usual, Epic will release seven new challenges this week in Fortnite, three of which will be available to Free Pass players, and the remaining four will only be completed by players who obtained the Season 8 Battle Pass. Players who complete the challenges will be awarded the Battle Star to make progress in tiers or XP.
Here are the expected challenges in Fortnite Season 8 Week 6, but keep in mind that as with all leaks, these can be changed by Epic at the last minute:
Free Challenges:
Visit the 5 highest elevations on the island (5)
Visit a wooden rabbit, a stone pig and a metal llama (1)
Eliminate opponents at Lazy Lagoon or Frosty Flights (3)
Battle Pass Challenges:
Search where the knife points on the Treasure Map loading screen (1)
Staged Challenge: Land at …
Land at Fatal Fields
Land at Lazy Lagoon
Land at Shift Shafts
Land at Frosty Flights
Land at Sunny Steps
Use different throwable items in a single match (2)
Get an elimination with a Flint-Knock Pistol or Boom Bow (1)
After completing all of this week's challenges and completing all previous challenges, you will unlock the Discovery Challenge loading screen just as the above picture.
As you can see, most challenges this week are battle-oriented, and they look cool. I particularly like the "visit the 5 highest elevations" challenge.
Some of the highest altitudes in Fortnite were found to be intuitive at first. There is a huge volcano in the northeast of the island, located in a place called Polar Peak. These two are the highest, but finding the other three can be tricky.
Here's a map below show you the five highest altitudes in Fortnite. You can access them in any order. You can find the detailed location of each of these signs on these areas below.
Also, the Challenge of Visit a Wooden Rabbit, Stone Pig, and Metal Llama Locations is something we have never seen before. To complete this challenge, head to these three spots: the Wood Rabbit is located on the north coast of Snobby Shores, the Stone Pig is located on the southern coast of the map on the southeast corner of Lucky Landing, and Llama is located in the northwest of Junk Junction on the north coast.
In terms of recent news in fortnite, Fortnite content update 8.20 is officially live, which bring players the Boom Bow, sniper shootout, and some bug fixes. Also, in addition to Paradise Palms and Dusty Divot, players seem to have discovered a new excavation site below Loot Lake. If you feel curious, grab your pickaxe now and start working!
Fortnite is available on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC and mobile.